Hi, I’m Joe DeAngelis, a psychotherapist practicing in Lexington, MA. I’m seeing patients in-person as well as by telephone or Zoom. I am licensed in Massachusetts and New York.
About my tagline: Live.Love.Work.Play: We all want to work productively, give and receive love, and enjoy play, i.e., participate in fulfilling activities for ourselves and with others. Most people come to see me when they have difficulty in one or more of these areas in life.
People tell me “I want to. . . have a better marriage, be more assertive, not feel so anxious, get more done at work, control my anger, stop drinking so much, lose weight. . .” and more. They need help converting their desires into consistent action.
For some, they know what they want, but have a hard time hanging on to their desire. I help those people figure out what is happening in their thoughts and feelings, and why their desires slip away again and again and again. For others, they have a difficult time simply knowing what they want. I help them recognize what desire looks and feels like, in order to identify their own wants and needs and go after them consistently.
If you need help in one of these areas, I invite you to contact me at 781.862.6404 or at joe.deangelis.licsw@icloud.com.